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Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Countable = Uncountable Noun

Tentang Countable = Uncountable Noun

Ada beberapa noun (kata benda) yang dapat menempati posisi baik sebagai countable maupun uncountable walaupun makna yang dihasilkan agak atau sangat berbeda.

Kondisi Countable = Uncountable Noun

Kata benda yang dapat menempati posisi sebagai countable noun maupun uncountable dengan beberapa kondisi dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.

Kondisi Penjelasan Contoh
1 Antara countable dan uncountable memiliki kata yang sama namun dengan arti yang berbeda. glassuncountable noun (=material)
a glasscountable noun (=gelas)
2 Pada abstract noun, countable menempati makna spesifik sedangkan uncountable bermakna general. an extreme sportcountable noun
sportuncountable noun
3 Sedangkan pada common noun, countable dapat merujuk pada keseluruhan atau varietas benda sedangkan uncountable berbicara tentang bagian. cheesescountable noun (=varietas)
a bar of cheese = uncountable

Contoh Kalimat Noun = Countable = Uncountable

Contoh kalimat kata benda baik sebagai countable noun maupun uncountable dengan berbagai kondisi tersebut di atas adalah sebagai berikut.

Kondisi Noun Contoh Kalimat Countable = Uncountable
Countable Noun Uncountable Noun
1 glass The boy drank a glass of milk. The box is made of glass.
iron Can I borrow your iron?
(=alat setrika)
We need enough iron to prevent anemia.
light My father should change the light in the kitchen one week ago.
There is not enough light to read.
paper I have an interesting paper to read.
I need some paper to print the report.
2 business He has run a business since 2008. Business is one of the most favorite topic in the class.
experience I got an unforgetable experience while climbing the mountain. If you’ve experience of designing high-rise buildings, then you can apply for this position.
life Many women prefer a secure life. Life is wild in the hunter’s opinion.
noise There was a noise on the road. He woke up early because of too much noise outside his bedroom.
sport Parkour is an extreme sport. I really love sport.
time I hope you have a good time on the journey. He has only little time to get ready.
3 cake They sent me a cake on my birthday.
(=satu buah kue)
She gave the first piece of cake for her mother.
cheese I have tried kinds of cheeses from many countries.
The woman is grating a bar of cheese.
chocolate There are five chocolates left in the box.
(=five bars of chocolates)
I need some chocolate to boost my mood.
coffee Give me two coffees without cream, please!
(=two cups of coffees)
He prefers to drink tea to coffee.
hair He said that one hundred hairs loss per day is still normal.
(=seratus helai rambut)
The man dyed his hair in red.
juice The woman put some juices on the table.
(=gelas/botol jus)
He drank some juice at the party.

Semoga bahasan ini bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan. Feel free to comment! :)

Untuk pembelajaran lebih lengkap saya rekomendasikan untuk mengunjungi sumbernya :) Thanks to Wordsmile :)

Sumber: http://www.wordsmile.com/countable-noun-sama-dengan-uncountable-noun

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